Kilkenny House Hotel i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKilkenny House Hotel


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Talbot's Inch Village, R95 EC89, Kilkenny, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 56 777 0711
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Latitude: 52.667605, Longitude: -7.266061

kommentar 5

  • Mawsypawsy Walshe

    Mawsypawsy Walshe


    No complaints really. Staff were very friendly and helpful. Just 4 stars as there was no residents bar and no food available when got back that evening.

  • Robert Chaney

    Robert Chaney


    Basic guesthouse hotel. No frills. Bar very pleasant & quiet. Many locals pop in

  • en

    Kim Healy


    Brendan was very helpful and pleasant at the front desk. The room was lovely and very clean. Unfortunately the chef needs to put a bit more passion and attention to the food before it comes out of the kitchen. Parts of the dinner was burnt and large chunks of raw onion in side salad was off putting. Mushy peas given with a starter but none with main course as should have been. Breakfast was not of great standard and staff more interested in eating there own breakfast behind counter than offering tea or coffee.

  • lucia martinez torres

    lucia martinez torres


    El desayuno mediocre, y muy viejo, pero en general muy bien

  • es

    Ester Carreras


    Comodo y con un gran bar y aparcamiento .A 10 m del centro

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