Kilkenny River Court Hotel i Kilkenny City

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IrlandKilkenny River Court Hotel



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John Street, Kilkenny City, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 3388
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Latitude: 52.6518088, Longitude: -7.2492373

kommentar 5

  • en

    Barry Carroll


    Nice hotel great view of Castle. Friendly helpful staff. Excellent value lunch.

  • en

    Matthew Heyner


    The food was really good and the price wasn't terrible. I wasn't impressed with the pricing of the drinks and I didn't think they should have a separate menu for the different dining areas. I didn't stay at the hotel just ate at the restaurant just to check it out. The courtyard where cars were parked was relatively large and more upscale then the other hotels in the area. If we had gone during the peak season I'm sure this would be a five star rating.

  • en

    Winifred Keogh


    Loved this hotel the staff were so friendly. Breakfast was excellent lovely staff to greet you in the morning when you arrive down for breakfast amazing variety of food. Hotel was so clean and warm in the evening. We will be back again. Two minute walk to the centre.

  • Ciara Bailey

    Ciara Bailey


    Beautiful location over looking the river and Kilkenny castle. Staff at reception very amicable and informative. One night with breakfast on a Tuesday for €69. Not too bad. Highly recommend this hotel as it's also so close to everything you need in town. Heaps of pubs and food nearby!!! Totally worth it. 5+ stars.

  • Dara Flynn Robinson

    Dara Flynn Robinson


    Wonderful Hotel. Our room was beautiful and spacious, the bathroom was a little dated and could have done with a lick of paint but those are minor gripes. The dinner in the hotel was stunning, the food was lovely. The breakfast was a little lacking, compared to the dinner it was not great, I would have liked the meat (sausages, pudding and bacon) could have been better quality but in fairness it was not bad, just not great. However, the staff were all brilliant, everyone made us feel like they could not do enough for us. Everyone was extremely helpful, and made us feel extremely welcome. Overall there were some small things that could have been better but our overall experience was a lovely one. We will be back

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