Knobs and Knockers i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKnobs and Knockers



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19, Nassau Street, DUBLIN 2, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 0288
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Latitude: 53.3424693, Longitude: -6.2562875

kommentar 5

  • Tom Humphreys

    Tom Humphreys


    good for round door openers and attention seekers

  • en

    Mark Ostrowski


    Exactly what we weren't looking for. Love the place and will go back again in a heartbeat. Picked up two large door knockers for a house that we haven't even built yet.

  • Michaela Vitagliano

    Michaela Vitagliano


    Knobs and Knockers is an old fashioned type of hardware store. Good quality items, can find exactly what you need. Also lots of knick knacks and interesting gift ideas.

  • en

    Jill Hull


    Very helpful and just what we were looking for!!!

  • Colin Eaton

    Colin Eaton


    An institution - in the city centre, which is a bonus, as most DIY shops are located outside the city centre. This long established emporium is an Aladins cave! Here you will most certainly find what you want - or never knew you wanted in the first place! And if that doesn't exist the expert staff will help you and order something in. Customer service has always been second to none here.

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