Knowth w Donore




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Knowth, Donore, Co. Meath, Ireland
kontakt telefon: +353 41 988 0300
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Latitude: 53.7011983, Longitude: -6.4914281

komentarze 5

  • Ofer Hadas

    Ofer Hadas


    This is the more interesting one of the two huge ancient graves in this park.

  • JJ Sheridan

    JJ Sheridan


    Love love love this place. We went for a visit with the family and everyone enjoyed it very much from our teen son the 5 year old daughter. The time from drop off to pick up between sites was a bit rushed but it was still an enjoyable and must see visit.

  • Matěj Fencl

    Matěj Fencl


    It is really nice experience to see something that old but still with so much meaning. The whole tour was great.

  • en

    Brianan Johnson


    This is a wonderful day out for old and young. A great place to bring tourists. You need to go to the heritage centre first and book your tour. If you want Newgrange you need to go early as the tours book up. But in my opinion Knowth is a better tour especially for kids as it's more interactive.

  • en

    Charlie Victor


    A beautiful land mark with 5000 year old structures and rock carvings which for some crazy reason, they allow you to touch. This is likely one of the only places in the world that will allow you to interact with megalithic history. And yes, you can go inside the main structure, as well as on top of it in a contained area. Tours were informative and efficient, allowing you the later half of the visit to explore on your own. Tours are fast though, given the amount of people they have to push through, so you'd better be on the ball. Service was impressively thought out and efficient. The museum is well done, and there is a large cafe with many drink and food options. There is also a picnic area if you bring your own edibles. You can spend many happy hours here.

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