La Boheme Restaurant i Waterford

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IrlandLa Boheme Restaurant



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2, George's Street, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 875 645
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Latitude: 52.261709, Longitude: -7.113776

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laura Cuddihy


    Amazing food, all of it. Staff were so friendly and accomodating. The market menu was amazing value for the food we received. By far the best restaurant in waterford. Will certainly be back!!

  • en

    Mark O Sullivan


    By far best restaurant I have ever been in ,and definitely the best in waterford by a long way .

  • Nicole Fougerousse

    Nicole Fougerousse


    A very elegant restaurant with a unique twist on classic dishes. Great food and atmosphere. It was the perfect place to celebrate Thanksgiving away from home.

  • Andrew Bartley

    Andrew Bartley


    Easily the best meal we’ve ever had and the family was amazingly friendly. The goat cheese croquet and Vietnamese salmon were particularly amazing! If you’re ever in Ireland, this is a must-try.

  • Claire Bear

    Claire Bear


    Stumbled upon this gorgeous restaurant - absolutely lovely atmosphere and food was delicious- partook of the 2 courses - a lovely soup with hints of one and coriander warmed the soul followed by a hearty steak with a pink peppercorn and port jus - the steak was cooked perfectly as requested . Would love to see a photograph outside the restaurant of the interior as newcomers to Waterford we had no idea of the delight we would discover down the stairs. The lighting was perfect and the candles were a mild scent. The waitress was attentive without being too obtrusive. A rather lovely evening. Would highly recommend this restaurant.

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