L'Atmosphere Restaurant i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandL'Atmosphere Restaurant



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19, Henrietta Street, X91 E983, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 858 426
internet side: www.restaurant-latmosphere.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.260628, Longitude: -7.107853

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vanessa Fayeun


    The staff is very friendly. Lovely atmosphere, the food is amazing and the dessert divine. Can't give enough praise.

  • en

    Jake Whitehead


    A very good menu option as it has a 3 course meal for 20 euro or for 30 euro depending on how hungry you are. Extremely nice food

  • en

    Gwenda Wallace


    Nice little restaurant, amazing staff, so friendly & helpful. Food is very nice too. I'll definitely be back 😊

  • Victoria Molloy

    Victoria Molloy


    Super Spot! Food delicious, staff very friendly, altogether great atmosphere at L'Atmosphere! Highly recommend if after food with French flare 👌

  • Dave Santorum

    Dave Santorum


    Sunday night, we were hunting for somewhere decent to eat. We couldn't have found anywhere better. Staff were excellent and courteous, food was amazing. Really recommend this. If you're not too concerned about eating too much good food.

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