Leopardstown Racecourse i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLeopardstown Racecourse


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Foxrock, Dublin 18, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 289 0500
internet side: www.leopardstown.com
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Latitude: 53.2660113, Longitude: -6.1949455

kommentar 5

  • Ian Ó

    Ian Ó


    Great race track in a very tranquil location. Once inside it offers you amazing hospitality and good opportunities for photographic images... Been twice and plan.to go again. Very good evening of fun out 👍

  • Joe McGlynn

    Joe McGlynn


    Good day out in the Pavilion. Food bar and facilities all great. Would love another day out there

  • Niall Finneran

    Niall Finneran


    Great venue to go to with family or friends. Good food and drink. Great music there most race days. All round brilliant day out

  • Adrian Gannon

    Adrian Gannon


    Had a really great time at the races. The track is a nice size with easy access to parade ring. You can see plenty from the stand. There was plenty of entertainment at the venue. Bus and Luas home was a great add on. Fair play.

  • en

    Rita Boyle


    Went to family day with my Daughter and her children it was a fantastic day .All entertainment for the children was in a marque with bouncy castle's, slides and lots more for them to enjoy . It had TV screen's around for the adults to view the racing. lots of different food available in different area's outside .very easy to get to by m50, shuttle buses from car parks with no waiting time going and leaving. So from the oldest to the youngest it was a fantastic day and will certainly do again

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