Lidl i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Walkinstown Avenue, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 465 9007
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.322017, Longitude: -6.3395528

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Barta


    Afortable prices, nice staff, variety of products

  • en

    Cloe Daly


    Good for weakly food shops and the bakery is amazing the hazlenut chocolate crossants are the best

  • John Finnan

    John Finnan


    I'm writing to let you know, I'm telling everyone I know to avoid this branch of your otherwise pretty good franchise. I was in there this evening and saw BLATANT and shameless shoplifting of bottles of vodka. When I reported it to staff I was told with a shrug that there was no security and nothing would be done. When word gets out about this, AND IT WILL, this store will be picked clean like a rotting carcass. And I don't want anyone I know to be caught up in this. God help your poor staff.

  • Anthony Candon

    Anthony Candon


    It's good but you can't use your android pay above €30, which is an unnecessary restriction

  • Emmilia Alehno

    Emmilia Alehno


    Широкий выбор продуктов и разных товаров. Значительно дешевле, чем в других супермаркетах.большой выбор новогодних сувениров. Продукты представлены из разных стран и на любые вкусы. Мне нравится Лидл.

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