Limerick Omniplex i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLimerick Omniplex



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Crescent Shopping Centre,, Dooradoyle Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 305 020
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Latitude: 52.640152, Longitude: -8.64412

kommentar 5

  • Martyna Wysocka

    Martyna Wysocka


    I used to like it but few times I've been there last (and didn't come back since) the first two small rows were filled with a rather loud uncivilized crowd and not much was done about it apart from security trying to shush them couple of times in vain. No need to say they completely ruined the film...

  • en

    Lynn Harte


    Multi screen cinema offering light snacks and refreshments discounted ticket specials all screenings on Tuesdays. Situated adjacent to a large shopping centre.

  • en

    beaka eire


    Great set up. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The screen room is well set up. The food is overpriced but most cinemas are.

  • Mark Sean Roocroft

    Mark Sean Roocroft


    It's still a good cinema like it was over 20 years ago. The one thing I didn't like was picking your seat and book it something you do with Ryanair. That's a first I ever experience in all of cinema's I been and why it drops to 3 stars.

  • pyro Mccarthy

    pyro Mccarthy


    Had a positive experience at the omniplex limerick , good access for wheelchairs but limited to one or two places for each screen ,toilets can get busy after screenings .also the shop is very very expensive so pick you're treat carefully. If you are taking children to a screening you will need to use the booster seats provided because the seats are comfortable but deep its quite warm in the theatres so no need for heavy jumpers , all seating is allocated. Enjoy

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