Listoke House i Drogheda

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IrlandListoke House


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Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 744 7057
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Latitude: 53.7449444, Longitude: -6.342008

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edel Phillips


    Amazing experience at Listoke Gin School, beautiful surroundings and friendly welcoming staff, who know their stuff.

  • josip artukovic

    josip artukovic


    Very nice and quiet place just for take rest of your soul and body. Owner is very friendly and helpfull . highly recommended

  • Langdon Quin

    Langdon Quin


    This seems to come up on my sons but I'm from Atlanta, Ga. and went on a biking trip in beautiful Ireland ending my week af Listoke House which far exceeded our expectations. The beautiful grounds with horses and gardens creates a special ambiance unlike any other property we had stayed in &'we enjoyed walking the property and gardens. The owner Raymond went well beyond call of duty, treating us to their special Listoke House Gin and tonic and then leading us into nearby Drogheda to an incredible restaurant. The continental breakfast was the best we had in Ireland. The property is close to Newgrange, a must see. Lisotke House is also a must stay and will not disappoint.

  • en

    John Conway


    Beautiful setting, lovely evening in the gin distillery and great staff. Well worth a visit.

  • Cas Rudy

    Cas Rudy


    Beautiful rooms in a beautiful home! Down a wooded drive, which felt more secure and secluded that other places located directly on the street. The owner, Raymond, was very accommodating, and had no problem with us checking in after midnight when we arrived! Went out of his way to make sure we were settled for the night before saying good night. Told us some history of the home and even let us pick our own room out of the few available. The grounds are amazing, including some gardens that are well cared for, an art gallery, tea room, and a gin distillery! Before checking out Raymond showed us around the distillery and made sure we had what we needed to have a proper gin and tonic - even giving us some orange peel, juniper berries, and tonic water to take with us! The room includes a cold breakfast, but Raymond's wife offered to make us eggs as well. The room itself was gorgeous, with a spacious bathroom and walk in shower. Everything was well cleaned and cared for. I can't say enough good about our night there! Next time we come, we will stay a few nights and take the gin class!!

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