Long Walk Shopping Centre i Dundalk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLong Walk Shopping Centre



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Longwalk Road, Dundalk, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 42 932 7256
internet side: www.longwalksc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.0060593, Longitude: -6.4051721

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Murtagh

    Amanda Murtagh


    Quiet wee place few clothes shops with great bargains , hairdressers, beauticians, coffee shop , butchers ,fruit and veg shop and a tesco shop all under one roof.

  • Mike Mc Mahon

    Mike Mc Mahon


    In it's day, this was one of the busiest shopping centres in Dundalk. However, recently a number of shops, such as Pennys, have moved to other locations, or shut down. It has a great carpark, and is fully accessible. It is basically in the centre of Dundalk, and is located right beside the bus station. There are still a number of busy shops , a hairdressers, and Tesco is still the anchor tenant.

  • en

    Niall McGahon


    Suitable for quiet friendly shopping without having to walk boring distances between outlets, free parking , with good range of shops run by local people. Pity Penney's pulled out as the alternative outlet is situated in user UNFRIENDLY location requiring sturdy walking shoes and the bladder of an elephant. Also, it is convenient to Clanbrassil Street, bus office & banks.

  • simone clavin

    simone clavin


    Lots of smaller independent shops. Nice cafe. parking bit old looking but good for quick visit

  • en

    Malachy O'Leary


    Local shopping centre. Good for all your needs. Great staff and shops. Clean facilities and plenty of parking spaces.

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