Lucky Meadows Equestrian Centre i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLucky Meadows Equestrian Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Ballindeenisk, Cork, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 87 263 2197
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.005788, Longitude: -8.402148

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kyle Furney Kelly


  • en

    Sean Kelly


  • Christina Carton

    Christina Carton


  • en

    may healy


    I started in lucky meadows this year the teachers are grate and I have improved so much👌🏼. The people are so nice and frendly I love it hear it's grate

  • Louise Bunyan

    Louise Bunyan


    I started going to Lucky Meadows in September 2012 and I've made great progress in that time. I get private lessons and it is so much better than group lessons, where you just get frustrated sitting on the horse waiting for your turn. I rode for years when I was younger but had given it up and in my 3rd lesson at Lucky Meadows I started doing little jumps again, and 2 weeks later I jumped the crosspoles in Maryville. Even though I had ridden for years I had never been encouraged to go to a jumping competition. It's an amazing experience and feeling and I'm hooked. Sean teaches you to move to the next level in your riding, and I have done that. Also, the atmosphere is great out there, the kettle is always on and everyone is so friendly, welcoming and helpful. And you get to be hands on with the horses. It's a great place.

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