Mahon Point Farmers Market i Cork

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IrlandMahon Point Farmers Market



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Mahon, Cork, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 86 168 5312
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8856409, Longitude: -8.3972537

kommentar 5

  • J



    The fish stall is amazing, fresh from Sea on that morning quality is fantastic the sizes are spectacular. The prices are very fair for the work that goes it to catching these beauties and spoiling us with them. Nice friendly chat and banter with the owner and his Sister. You will not get a fraction of what is on offer here, near the prices in supermarkets nor the freshness. You have to visit this stall, even if you are not to fond of fish this is sure to convert you! For fish lovers you have to visit!

  • Sascha Giese

    Sascha Giese


    Good spot each Thursday to get lunch, or some bread for dinner. During rainy days you will find it inside the car park. Quite often there is musical entertainment. Sometimes though it is very busy.

  • David O Brien

    David O Brien


    Only open and on site on Thursday morning put adds a great atmosphere to Mahon Point and gives fantastic opportunity to local producers to sell and for us consumers to buy. Open air market but also has stalls inside the covered carpark.

  • Kevin Quane

    Kevin Quane


    Amazing food

  • john o'riordan

    john o'riordan


    Great market

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