Man o' War Bar and Restaurant i Balbriggan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMan o' War Bar and Restaurant



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Courtlough, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 841 5528
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Latitude: 53.5617257, Longitude: -6.1843052

kommentar 5

  • Aoife Hughes

    Aoife Hughes


    Always great food and Service. Lovely local pub! Would recommend to anyone!

  • en

    Nikki Hunt


    Great atmosphere and great food, lovely views of skerries harbour and the staff are very welcoming

  • Mario Kuhnert

    Mario Kuhnert


    Excellent food and friendly staff. Recommended highly. Very old pub. Traditional.

  • TaliaThorne



    I loved this place. We wanted to go somewhere authentic, old, and out of the way. This hit every mark. Very cool tavern with great drinks and food. Friendly people. Good service. We enjoyed the pool tables too.

  • en

    Jimbo D


    This was the last night of our 10 day trip and my wife suggested we visit the Man O'War. it was a great decision. Lovely atmosphere, with wonderful staff and a great waitress. We had the chicken and the pork fillet and couldn't decide which was the best as they were both perfect. The food was cooked to order and definitely worth the wait. We will be coming back on our next trip for sure and highly recommend a visit.

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