Maryborough Motors i County Laois

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMaryborough Motors



🕗 åbningstider

R427, Cashel, Co. Laois, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 85 204 9522
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.9774565, Longitude: -7.2870362

kommentar 5

  • john ging thegym

    john ging thegym


    I couldn't recommend them enough. He really does a great job and I won't go near anyone else to fix my motor. Goes out of his way big time came out picked up my van from my house and dropped it back.

  • Cormac O'Leary

    Cormac O'Leary


    Great service and value for money and brilliant quality of work

  • Stephen Ring

    Stephen Ring


    Great work done. Reliable and prices are very reasonable. Would definitely recommend

  • en

    Sinead Stokes


    Great mechanic with a great service collected car from my house so took the strain of organising lifts and someone to watch kids while car was been done best price locally went out of his way to accommodate me and my car breezed through its nct could not recommend enough

  • Kenneth Higgins

    Kenneth Higgins


    Honest reliable mechanic all about customer care and service. Door to door collect and repair service is so handy.

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