Max Burns i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMax Burns



🕗 åbningstider

Unit 4, Old Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 FAW6, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 462 7511
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2979701, Longitude: -6.371269

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margueritte Sherry


    I have been a customer of Max Burns for many years and have always found the staff very helpful. They provide an excellent and very reasonable service. I have had printers, computers and most recently an issue with my laptop resolved. The premises itself is conveniently located and provides easy and free parking. I would highly recommend Max Burns.

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    Alan Walsh


    Excellent service by the guys. My laptop is working great. Thanks

  • lisapdempsey



    Very bad service. Sent my laptop in to be repaired in January after a spill. They gave it back saying it worked and it was still completely broken, I brought it back and they tried to charge us full price again but we managed to just have to pay for the new hardware. They then said they would give us one with higher memory before calling us again to say that they couldn’t do that and had to give us a cheaper lower quality one. That was today and it’s march now and I still have not received my laptop. Very disappointed

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    Karlis Cetras


    Really shady company, replaced screen on my Sony Z3 ,pixelated and very poor quality. Did not even glue my phone back together. Last time they fixed it and forgot to install a part back , thank goodness I noticed. Seems like someone is smoking some funny stuff behind doors while fixing phones.... I will avoid them in the future.

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    derek grant


    Highly recommended, laptop repaired very quickly & updated to Windows 10(f.o.c),very courteous & helpful staff. Will definitely be back👍

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