Mayfield Birds Of Prey i County Waterford

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IrlandMayfield Birds Of Prey



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Carrignanonshagh, Co. Waterford, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 86 213 4367
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Latitude: 52.2017814, Longitude: -7.4069292

kommentar 5

  • Rebekah Wilkens

    Rebekah Wilkens


    Willie is amazing, and his bird are spectacular. You can tell he loves his craft and his birds. We did the owl encounter because we love owls, and it was beyond amazing. Would probably do both the hawk walk and owl encounter if we went again.

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    badger me


    Fantastic experience to get up and close

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    Shelly Kingham


    We had an amazing experience learning about these beautiful birds and holding them. Willy and Bridget provide a very personal experience and our family thoroughly enjoyed it. My daughter cried when she had to say goodbye to Dougall the Barn Owl ! Well be back again. Thank you both and good luck with the new barn.

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    Sandra van't Zand


    Magnificent experience! I am fascinated by birds of prey and these have not disappointed in any way. People with passion for the nature of the birds and to educate the public into understanding them. They do great work. Really worth every second. Highly recommended.

  • Richard Maher

    Richard Maher


    I have been to quite a few Falconer's places of business and I have learned a bit every time along the way. But it all pales in comparison with Mayfield. Willie has a true passion for what he does. And you can tell this from the second you meet him. His birds are all part of his family and this is very obvious when you see how Willie treats them and how he is in turn treated by the birds. My girlfriend and I came for an owl encounter as she loves them and the atmosphere was relaxed and it was great fun and very informative aswell. And value for money.... It was cheap, end of.... Willie should be charging more for what he does. I would gladly pay more for what I experienced.

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