Maynooth Car Tyres - O'Neills i Maynooth

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IrlandMaynooth Car Tyres - O'Neills


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Dublin Road, Maynooth, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 288 1208
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Latitude: 53.381971, Longitude: -6.588406

kommentar 5

  • en

    Declan Fortune


    John was closed but opened up because i was in a spot of bother. Not many go the extra distance John sure does. Very competitive prices will definately reccomend

  • Una Phillips

    Una Phillips


    Very nice and helpful with my emergency puncture. Fixed quickly.

  • Amanda Purcell

    Amanda Purcell


  • en

    Christina Bell


    Would not recommend them at all. Went to get to back tyres & tracking done. Made appointment for 3pm. Didnt get seen till 3.15 he told me to go off for 45mins & ring to make sure ready. Rang at 4pm was told tracking not done come back at half. Went back at half tracking wasnt done. Only one tyre changed was told issue with locknut would need to got to main dealer to get opened. Said if i waited an other half hour he would do tracking. Left went to an other tyre garage that showed me the nut used to open the locknut was broke in the locknut. Went to main dealer cant buy them. The second Garage going to check a scrap yard can he get one if not he will have to break all 4 locknuts to put new locknuts on. Would not recommend going to this garage at all.

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    I just bought two new tyres from John O'Neill and I found him to be very thorough. Hi prices were €13 cheaper per tyre than I was charged a couple of months ago by one of those rapid -fit outlets in Tallaght. He also took the time to give me good advice about another car issue that saved me hundreds of Euro. I offered to pay him for his advice but he wouldn't accept anything. Value, good service, and integrity all together. Totally recommend O'Neills.

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