Mayo Movie World Cinema i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMayo Movie World Cinema


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Moneen, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 7777
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Latitude: 53.856665, Longitude: -9.286901

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tracey Southwell


    Love to bring the children. Kid's club is a great idea and a bagain especially with the mini tray of drink and popcorn and sweets. Great also for main features. Could do with a few more toilets. But thumbs up really.

  • en

    Helen McDonagh


    Went here to watch Peter Rabbit with my nieces & nephew. Staff were both pleasant & friendly. Seats were comfortable. Only downside to this particular visit today was the card machine was broken so I just about had enough cash on me.

  • en

    Katherina Conway


    Great choice of films. Seats comfortable.

  • Richard Nugent

    Richard Nugent


    It's a perfectly fine cinema if you're not looking for a high end experience. It's not modern, it's not big or state of the art but it's the only one within a 30 mile or so radius so it does the job.

  • New Choices 4 Her

    New Choices 4 Her


    Lovely staff. Good value. Nice good selection and warm.

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