builders i terenure

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9491 builders



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6, The Cloisters, terenure, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 492 9428
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3154531, Longitude: -6.287329

kommentar 4

  • en

    Sinead Grennan


    I would highly recommend this company. The McClaffertys just finished a lovely dormer attic conversion for us. We now have a double bedroom and ensuite bathroom, and loads of easily accessible under-eaves storage. While they were here, we asked them to sort out a few niggly problems left from a previous building job and they did that too. They gave a good price and worked hard, arriving sharp at 8am every day and getting the job done quickly. Thanks guys! We love our new attic!

  • adam coleman

    adam coleman


    Really good guys! Fully recommend. Did a great job fixing an issue with our sliding glass doors and flat-roof extension. From a few photos and descriptions, James was able to understand the issue and arrive on the day with the right tools. He completed the job in a few hours, was happy to talk through the structural issues causing the problem and stages of the fix, and completed the job for a fair price and left the place tidy too. Really nice work. Door and foundation alignment finally correct as intended by architect, as well as no more draft through the doors! Fully recommend this company from this experience.

  • 1890 DAMAGE

    1890 DAMAGE


  • lisa byrne

    lisa byrne


    We decided to revamp our existing house, like me it was built in the 70s so it needed allot work. We got all the house rewired, new plumbing, attic converted and got a new kitchen extension out the back as the existing was not workable. I must say I highly recommend this company, from the start I got 3 separate quotes and overall they came in the best. They were there at 8am every morning and left at 6 I don't know how they done all the work so fast. As builders goes I found them very easy to deal with and made a fantastic job in my home so I highly recommend them. Thanks for your hard work guys :) Lisa

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