McDonald's i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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62, O'Connell Street Upper, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 4487
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3502664, Longitude: -6.2608874

kommentar 5

  • Flávio Peixoto

    Flávio Peixoto


    They have a self service kiosk that's amazing. Really fast and easy to use

  • Jackie Mc Manus

    Jackie Mc Manus


    Its Gorgeous and its cheap and alot of Euro deals also there selling IDK how long for thinks a deal a small, a medium and a large Big Mac and there out of this world 🌏. Enjoy Jac xoxo

  • en

    brian and sorcha conway


    Some of the staff could have better customer service. The food is good

  • Jobin Joseph John

    Jobin Joseph John


    Located at the city centre it's a nice place to hangout with your friends and have something good to eat.. Its multistorey seatings allows to accomodate many people even in peak timings.. The staff at the counter greeted with smile and the order was placed in a very friendly manner. The order kiosk available at the entrance allows us to choose with satisfaction from lot of options available and even reduces the queue at the counter Ambience of the place is also noteworthy...

  • hid0582758



    Its the most revolting food ive ever had in my life. The price is way to much for it is really worth felt sick last time i ate there some staff are freindly and some are just out right arogant toilets are disgusting if i could i would rate it a 0 but i cant so a 1 do not come here get something that wont kill you

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