McDowells Jewellers i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMcDowells Jewellers



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3, O'Connell Street Upper, D01 CD99, Dublin 1, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 874 4961
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Latitude: 53.3500755, Longitude: -6.2599472

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dejan Jovanovic


  • en

    Declan Byrne


    Partner was in looking at engagement rings today. Sales assistant was very helpful and helped us to pick out a lovely ring but became very stand offish and unhelpful when she realized I had some basic knowledge(read a few articles on google) about diamond certification and the 4 C’s. She said their diamonds were certified by the jewellers and not by GIA or any other lab certification. She also would not allow me to take a photo of the ring. Never had this problem with other jewellers when looking at engagement rings even Applebys allowed us and encouraged us to do same. So be very cautious and I wouldn’t recommend this place. They seem to be stuck in the past and haven’t moved on.

  • J J

    J J


    This is the place to come and fix your watch, the rest of the shops on Henry street couldn't do a simple fix.

  • MRsHD akRAM

    MRsHD akRAM


    Friendly service

  • en

    The French Franek


    Like the owner, was helpfull

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