Meadow Court Hotel i Loughrea

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IrlandMeadow Court Hotel



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Clostoken Church, Conicar, Loughrea, Co. Galway, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 841 051
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Latitude: 53.2098594, Longitude: -8.6359393

kommentar 5

  • en

    Declan O Brien


    I was here for dinner and It was exceptional. Everything from the staff to the food was truly excellent. I would highly recommend this place. 5 stars

  • David Spain

    David Spain


    Very nice place. The food was good. The menu is simple enough. I had the chicken and mushroom vol-au-vent and it tasted lovely. I dont like pre-seasoned fries, but that's a personal preference. The bathrooms were clean and well maintained. This would be a nice place for a small wedding. The staff were nice. They should have signs in the lobby area to attract you into the restaurant at the back. When you get to the lobby, it should be obvious that the food is in the back of the hotel.

  • en

    Roisin Steed


    Went here for lunch today and the food was delicious. Very nice relaxing decor and our waitress was a dote. My husband had sizzling chicken stir fry with rice and I had mushrooms and chicken vol au vents with salad. They were both lovely and tasty dishes. The only thing I would say and this is just a preference for me is that I would prefer the pastry wasent in the sauce as it gets too soggy. I would have liked the pastry kept dry. In other words I'd have preferred the chicken and mushrooms put into the pastry rather than the pastry soaked in the sauce. Maybe not so much sauce. I'm just being picky but that is what I think. The Apple Pie was gorgeous as was. Everything and we will definitely be back. Great place for a celebrations. of any kind. Thankyou to all at meadow court

  • Julie B

    Julie B


    Food was great. Service bit slow. Was a large group of people and only one waiter so took forever. Didn't get my desert even though it was a set menu. But food is really really good.

  • Jennifer Earlam

    Jennifer Earlam


    Ate at lunchtime first week of December. Food was great quality and piping hot served on warm plates. We thought the waitresss could have smiled when engaging. Also it would have been sensible for the waitress to tell us the soup, fish, and roast of the day when first bringing the menus. We had to wait ten minutes for her to return and naturally couldn't choose meal without that information. Would return if in the area, and hope we have l happier staff!

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