Med Aesthetics i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMed Aesthetics



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Suite 2, Consultants Clinic, Bon Secour Hospital, Renmore, Galway, H91 KC7H, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 104 6618
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Latitude: 53.2770817, Longitude: -9.0208649

kommentar 5

  • Sarah-Jane Flaherty

    Sarah-Jane Flaherty


    I would highly recommend Med Aesthetics. I went to see Alma for a consultation she took 3D pictures of my face and showed me the condition of it, she explained very well the best treatment plan for me. She went through my diet and recommended products that would suit my skin type. I got a chemical peel done my skin feels great already. I’m excited to get started with products and looking forward to going back for more treatments. Thanks again Alma

  • Paula Mullins

    Paula Mullins


    Alma is a true professional. After a thorough consultation, she recommended a chemical peel and red thread vein removal. Along with taking supplements, my skin has never looked better. Can't wait for my next appointment!

  • Suzy Jimenez

    Suzy Jimenez


    I have received great treatments from Alma. She is always honest, reliable and detail oriented. I would highly recommend her for any and all treatments! I feel like my skin has improved significantly due to her knowledge and expertise!

  • Ayfa Fleming

    Ayfa Fleming


    I have had various face treatments in Med Aesthetics from laser resurfacing to dermal infusion under the guidance of Alma and Niall. The quality of the service they provide and their knowledge is top class. Galway is very lucky to have a clinic like this on our doorstep. Put Med Aesthetics on your Christmas wish list, you will not regret it! ❤

  • Aisling Cannon

    Aisling Cannon


    I have been to med Aesthetics for various treatments over the last few months. They provide a professional and confidential service and their knowledge of advanced skin care is second to none. I have changed my skin care routine since starting treatments with Alma and the results speak for themselves.

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