Midlands Park Hotel i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMidlands Park Hotel



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Jessop Street, R32 KV20, Portlaoise, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 57 867 8588
internet side: www.midlandsparkhotel.com
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Latitude: 53.0350261, Longitude: -7.3024575

kommentar 5

  • Plunkett Clarke

    Plunkett Clarke


    Lovely hotel. Great breakfast, the bar is lovely and serves great bar food. Kelly's Steakhouse is fabulous. Has a nice swimming pool with sauna and jacuzzi.

  • Vinny Phelan

    Vinny Phelan


    Was there for a wedding. Lovely function room. Efficient service and good quality food.

  • Nordine Chigara

    Nordine Chigara


    This is a fine hotel, well located in the centre of Portlaoise. The rooms were very clean and comfortable and the staff were kind and helpful. The price was reasonable. The breakfast was tasty and plentiful. The bar food was a little disappointing but the lunch in the restaurant was fantastic.Try the slow cooked beef. Overall I would have to recommend this hotel. We were staying there for a conference and everything ran very smoothly.

  • Barry Kavanagh

    Barry Kavanagh


    Have used the Midlands Park as a training venue several times over the past month. The hotel has undertaken extensive refurbishment and upgrades over the last year and it is a very good venue. High quality meeting meeting rooms, friendly staff and good service. Comfortable and well appointed bedrooms. Food is available in the bar and the restaurant and is of a standard with a good 4 star hotel.

  • en

    Ruth Mail


    Fantastic experience. Great value on room deal. Beautiful room. Beds are amazingly comfortable. Staff very friendly and accommodating and breakfast choice is the best I have ever experienced. Anything u could want for plus a pancake maker. Only downfall was the excessively loud music in the lobby coming from the bar last night. No quiet spot but staff did do what they could to reduce noise. Overall extremely positive experience. Highly recommended

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