Mongey Plunkett Motors Peugeot i Dublin 11

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMongey Plunkett Motors Peugeot



🕗 åbningstider

11, North Road, D11 W2A8, Dublin 11, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 864 2400
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Latitude: 53.398518, Longitude: -6.306249

kommentar 5

  • Javier Paris

    Javier Paris


    Reviewing the sales department here. Horrible experience with them. Went to see a second hand car. Got back next day for a test drive. Let them know that I was sending next day an engineer to review the car. Just a few hours after receiving the report back, I went back again (third time in 3 days) for finalising the purchase. "How was the report?" I was asked. "Good, that's why I'm here". "Well, we sold the car." Oh excellent, after expending my time and money here in such a short period of time, thanks for not even calling me to let me know about it, that's the least thing you should have done. I guess I didn't show enough interest, right? And it also seems they were laughing at me with that question. Sharp and dishonest practice for the 2 salesmen who attended me, and good luck with your business cause you'll need it if you treat new customers like this.

  • en

    Isabel Greene


    Slow service left waiting but great staff very friendly

  • Michael Walsh

    Michael Walsh


    Went for service. Well handled but for call back to let me know car was ready. Called okayv and checked I was happy with the various extra tasks that needed attention.

  • en

    Helen Hennessy


    Quick and easy transaction. Very accommodating. Nice staff.

  • James Hayes

    James Hayes


    The most laided back and not in your face car sales I've been to. Guys lovely and knowledgeable. Not pushy at all. 😉

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