Movers and Makers Removals And Storage i Sligo

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IrlandMovers and Makers Removals And Storage



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33, Maugheraboy Estate, Sligo, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 164 3428
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.265711, Longitude: -8.492025

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Kelly

    Jennifer Kelly


    My friend Irene and I have consulted John at Movers and Shakers on several occasions over the past few years and we are delighted to recommend wholheartedly this company for removals of any kind ..big or small always done with a smile and at a fair price. ..John is No 1. Jenny Kelly, Sligo.

  • en

    Tom Sullivan


    I have no hesitation recommending Movers & Makers to anyone needing to move home or office. Friendly, reliable service which exceeded my expectations, refreshing to see that customer service is alive and well. I will certainly be using them again. Tom O’Sullivan

  • en

    Mick Cannon


    If you need to move, I would highly recommend them without hesitation. Efficient, prompt, friendly and helpful. We had some very awkward large pieces to move and they were excellent, careful with all.

  • en

    T Brady


    Would highly recommend anyone moving or looking for help in furniture assembly to give Movers and Makers a call. Punctual, efficient, reliable and a turnaround of three days from the day I called to when they finished the job. Fantastic service for Sligo and the Northwest, well done!

  • Amanda Kennedy

    Amanda Kennedy


    Facing a house move is daunting at the best of times but Movers and Makers made the process a lot simpler and stress free. The Two guys arrived on time, really got stuck in with the heavy lifting and were friendly and professional. They looked after our delicate items and completed the whole move, door to door in 3 hours. it was good to know that Movers and Makers takes away the stress of having a good & local removal company that I can depend on. The furniture arrived in perfect condition and we were very happy with the service from beginning to end. Many thanks John.

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