MyVet Maynooth i Maynooth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMyVet Maynooth



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Dublin Road, Maynooth, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 629 1949
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.381312, Longitude: -6.585413

kommentar 5

  • Alison O Brien

    Alison O Brien


    I can't recommend the team at Carton Vets highly enough. I had a very poorly dog last year, and the guys here made a very quick and ultimately life saving diagnosis for Ruby. Thanks to John, Siobhan and all the fabulous nurses in Carton Vets she is now fully back to health. Regular check ups are a pleasant experience. Opening times really suit any working schedule. You can be assured your pets are cared for here just like at home.

  • Louise Keane

    Louise Keane


    Hugely grateful to the staff in Carton Vets. Our dog was hit by a car recently and the care that has been given to her by all the staff but particularly Nicole, Lilly and Caroline has been incredible. Really genuine care and kindness every time we come in. Can't thank them enough.

  • Paul Daly

    Paul Daly


    Cannot fault John and the team at Carton Vets. I had my dog with another vet until he was 4, but was unsatisfied with a diagnosis. Took him to John who ran numerous tests until we were both happy with a course of action. Sincere thanks to all at Carton Vets for their attention and care, from a grateful customer and a more active dog.

  • Ronan Jennings

    Ronan Jennings


    Our elderly dogs have been attending Carton Vets for 5 years and they have been taken care of wonderfully. Both of our dogs have been very sick during this time. One of our dogs had a life threatening tumor on his spleen which has a very low survival expectancy but through the highly experienced and compassionate care of Carton Vets we still have two wagging tails at home.

  • C D

    C D


    I have been bringing my dogs here for a while now and I have no complaints! The location is perfect as there is ample parking. The opening hours are great and there is always time to get in after work. The team are all lovely and give the best care to my babies. A receptionist also recently joined the team and she makes a great fuss of the dogs when I come in. They also offer a Pet Health plan which really helps spread out the costs of caring for my dogs. I can’t recommend Carton Vets enough!

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