Nancy Blakes i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNancy Blakes



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19, Upper Denmark Street, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 416 443
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Latitude: 52.6634189, Longitude: -8.6238142

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sinéad Connolly


    Good selection of drinks. Has both indoor quieter area for talking and outdoor area for dancing. Staff are lovely and very friendly. Think it has love music once or twice a week. Also has several tv's. Can get very crowded on Friday and Saturday nights, so would recommend elsewhere if looking for a quiet one then.

  • en



    Another interesting Limerick City pub. It's probably the oldest pub in Limerick. I remember being in there many, many years ago with my mother and father. It had changed very little except for the large outdoor space filled with tables and every seat occupied by people happily chatting with those who were there enjoying the odd cigarette. It Is a much more sociable space than is afforded to smokers in the UK. And I found that smokers are far better accommodated in Ireland with the emphasis are being on giving up rather than punishment as is killing the pub trade in the UK.

  • en

    Barry O Sullivan


    Good pub with a good vibe. Play live bands also which creates a lovely atmosphere. Perfect to enjoy a good Irish night out.

  • Bunny Rivera

    Bunny Rivera


    One of my favorite spots to go to when in town. The people are really nice and the drinks are always great. The bathroom (woman's) is small and often has a huge line. Only downside is when its busy, they run out of toilet paper and it gets really messy. I don't think they check them very often throughout the night.

  • Edward Hector

    Edward Hector


    My favorite pub in Limerick. A great local spot. I met and made some friends there. Great memories there. Great place to hang and read a book with a pint.

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