National car testing service cavan i Dublin Road

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNational car testing service cavan


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Pullamore, Pollamore Far, Dublin Road, Co. Cavan, H12 X7F9, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 413 5992
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.9834619, Longitude: -7.3306207

kommentar 5

  • Martin Gleeson

    Martin Gleeson


    Professional staff with common sense .

  • Stanislav Vrabec

    Stanislav Vrabec


    The staff is friendly and professional.

  • en

    sean o'keeffe


    I had my car tested here and oh my god I thought I entered a funeral home. Not one of the staff smiled or was friendly in any way while dealing with the customers it was the most uninviting place so where was the good customer relations ?...I was 10 mins early as requested and my car was taken in15 mins after the given time.

  • Frank O Brien

    Frank O Brien


    fast efficient no fuss service and my car passed! Happy days

  • Bill W

    Bill W


    Staff are friendly. The downside is that the waiting room is a bit cramped. Other than that, it is decent. Contrary to some perceptions, it is not a gas (petrol) station. All they do is vehicle testing for road safety.

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