Newbridge Silverware i Newbridge

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IrlandNewbridge Silverware



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Athgarvan Road, W12 HT62, Newbridge, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 45 431 301
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Latitude: 53.1762603, Longitude: -6.7968245

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Rosiakowski

    Daniel Rosiakowski


    What a beautiful place! Wow! Really impressed. Love exhibition upstairs. Nice surprise about piece. Restaurant super clean . Very helpful and friendly staff!!!

  • en

    Lesley Nolan


    Love a trip here, great for picking up gifts! Amazing selection of Newbridge silverware and a fab Christmas section all year round. The restaurant is perfect for lunch or to treat yourself to coffee and a cake after all that shopping! Museum of style icons upstairs is a must and free to visit. See dresses belonging to Princess Diana, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe etc. And items from the Beatles Michael Jackson and many more.

  • en

    Padraic McDunphy


    Great place to visit and/or to bring visitors. Museum of Style Icons is particularly interesting. Would love to see it significantly expanded.

  • Adrian Brown

    Adrian Brown


    A huge entre into the world of precious metals. If it's available in silver it's here. Watches, bracelets, necklaces, chains Christmas decorations, cutlery. Free parking and free entry. There's a museum upstairs that shows clothing and other memorabilia from stars such as Marilyn Munroe, Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Michael Jackson the Beatles and lots more. Also on the same premises and fairly new is the restaurant. To me, it was the most appealing part of the experience. Good coffee, excellent food, clean and bright.

  • Jeremy Kearney

    Jeremy Kearney


    Love this place. Can't beat their Christmas decorations. Beautiful jewellery and household items too. Spotlessly clean throughout and staff that couldn't be more helpful. The restaurant is great with one niggle, they could do a far better job of advertising that they offer Gluten Free alternatives to some items one their menu.

nærmeste Butik

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