Newcastle Aerodrome i Newcastle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNewcastle Aerodrome



🕗 åbningstider

Sea Road, Leamore Upper, Newcastle, Co. Wicklow, A63 RX03, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 239 4417
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.0700392, Longitude: -6.0401941

kommentar 5

  • Bailey Sarsfield

    Bailey Sarsfield


    I worked here before. it was epic and the lads were sound. Great place and clearly the best airfield in ireland.

  • Seán Thomas Bickerton

    Seán Thomas Bickerton


    Very friendly, knowledgeable people there who love aviation. I am a pilot in the US, and was able to rent a plane with an instructor for a sightseeing flight around the Wicklow area. Aside of the "sticker shock" (general aviation is far more expensive in Europe than in the US), I had a wonderful time of flying and fellowship.

  • en

    Neil Mullen


    Friendly staff. Seem to know there stuff. Very safe. Good good prices. Will deffo go again

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    Derek Connor


    What an experience, nicest bunch of people you will ever meet .I could not fault them in any way .Karl (the pilot)was very good and explained things very well .first of many today thanks lads

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    Shaun Leahy


    An excellent place to take to the sky's, be it for a trial flight, look at the beautiful Wicklow Countryside & Coastline from the air or to learn to fly both for pleasure or to start your commercial pilot career. Staff are knowledgeable, friendly & helpful. A great day out for all the family.

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