O'Briens Sandwich Cafe i Fermoy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandO'Briens Sandwich Cafe


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1, Pearse Square, Fermoy, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 25 32043
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Latitude: 52.1378687, Longitude: -8.2753692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ryan sir lee


    I was kicked out because of the lack of basic human rights such as my free speech to complain about the expensive soda

  • en

    Laura Relihan


    Friendly staff . Good service and beautiful coffee and sandwiches

  • Ruth Baker

    Ruth Baker


    Great location food could be fresher though. And the prices are a little expensive. It's nice for a treat

  • Ewa Sielczak

    Ewa Sielczak


    Bardzo dobra i mocna kawa. Smaczne lody

  • en

    Michael Foody


    Fermoy OBriens is bigger than most of this style of franchise I have been into before. This one has an upper floor. It's clean, bright and has the usual franchise menu. Unfortunately the time I went the person I was with found a tea bag in her latte, apologies offered etc but no free biscuit or money back just a fresh latte.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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