O'Callaghan Stephen's Green Hotel i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandO'Callaghan Stephen's Green Hotel



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1-5 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 607 3600
internet side: www.stephensgreenhotel.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.33721, Longitude: -6.263158

kommentar 5

  • -Chris -Water

    -Chris -Water


    Good evening, the location is great, staff was very nice, seemed inexperienced as I couldn't find the my assigned room as it was in the 'new part' for which the routing was not explained. The manager is clearly a nice guy, driven, but the rest of the check in staff was 'flat'. The breakfast was fine, it would be handy to have the discussion at check in as I never like to have to discuss and pay in the morning and prefer it on the room. Point of comment is the WiFi, besides not too strong its unsecured, seems nice, but is extremely unhandy for a business traveler, I need strong secured free WiFi to be able to work. Couldn't hang my towel anywhere in the bathroom and the light on the room 'do not disturb' I always forget resulting in a not made up room when returning from a long day, sh.., this would also be handy to discuss at check in or so.

  • fr

    vincent Yub


    Une partie de l'hôtel est en travaux donc rapport qualité prix mauvais. Petit dej tout juste au niveau. Par contre excellente situation.

  • en

    Lauren Hastings


    The current entrance to the hotel and reception area is so unappealing that I almost cancelled my reservation. The Art Deco style of the breakfast bar counter is attractive but it is marred by the sickly eau de nil colour of the woodwork and the "thrown together" plywood reception desk. I am aware that renovations are taking place, but a few euros would be well spent improving the reception area which is the first impression of the hotel. It is disconcerting to be eating breakfast beside people checking out. A lick of paint to the woodwork in the corridors upstairs would also brighten the dark dreary atmosphere. The breakfast food was tasty and the room was fine but I wouldn't recommend a stay here. The location is the most appealing feature.

  • en

    Tony Kowalewski


    The fact the restaurant was closed proved to be a blessing. Found an incredible Indian restaurant (Pickle) as a result. Front desk staff were very friendly and helpful. Room was clean and spacious. Ideal location for my meetings next day. Would stay again.

  • michael byrne

    michael byrne


    The hotel is under renovations which I was not aware of. The rooms could use a soft renovation with furniture updates as well as the bathrooms. The property was clean and the staff very courteous when approached. They have a lovely glassed in dining area to watch Dublin life go by as you enjoy your Irish breakfast. I'm sure once renovations are complete the strategically placed hotel will shine!

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