One Stop Repair Centre i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOne Stop Repair Centre



🕗 åbningstider

71, Parnell Street, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 9118
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3519934, Longitude: -6.2623436

kommentar 5

  • King Abo

    King Abo


    Conmen. Brought phone in to have screen repaired. The next day it was coming loose and the lcd could be seen in a crack at the side. When i brought it back they said they would fix and to come back half hour later. When i collected it looked like they just squeezed in some more glue to cover over crack. A afew days later the screen went completely black, when i brought back in they said i done it! Refused to take it off and fix from scratch and said if i wanted a brand new replacement screen id have to pay for the parts again. Thieves dont waste you money folks

  • Navin Sekhon

    Navin Sekhon


    They repaired phone with non-OEM replacement at price for what shops charge to repair with OEM parts. Screen blurs / ghosts with abnormally slow refresh rate when taking a picture and moving the frame around to capture a scene. Fingerprint sensor not recognized or functional. Only accepts cash.

  • en

    xiaoqin wang


    Amazing Service~~

  • Donal Mac

    Donal Mac


    Dodgy! Had a new battery installed and have had problems since. I'm out of the country now, and can't get another replacement. Will need to buy a new phone thanks to you!

  • zh

    Tianci Zheng


nærmeste Elektronik butik

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