Oolong Flower Power i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOolong Flower Power



🕗 åbningstider

4, Saint Stephen's Green, D02 PD25, Dublin 2, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 475 8422
internet side: www.oolongflowerpower.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3412293, Longitude: -6.2645861

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pauline Burke


    I purchased a voucher 3 weeks ago to use on a special occasion. I have phoned most days since to book a sitting and have emailed numerous times also but no one returned my calls or emails. The special occasion has now passed so I will be requesting a refund for my voucher. Very disappointed, clearly no customer focus.

  • Aleksandra Drzaljevic

    Aleksandra Drzaljevic


    The place looks nice, a staff member was friendly. The place is pricey, in the good location. The pizza was ok, however, some of the cakes (we tried 3 different) tasted old and fresh juice tasted like there is a lot of sugar in it.

  • Darren McCarthy

    Darren McCarthy


    Nice quite place to stop in lunch or any time. Doesn't appear busy. Good selection of teas to choose from.

  • en

    Dave Lawlor


    We recently booked out the new private dining area in OolongFlowerPower. We had a great night. The food and service was excellent and the setting was very cool. Everybody really enjoyed the occasion. We will definitely be back! Thank you.

  • es

    Carlos Duran Becerra


    Wouuuuu!!! Postres increibles, tiene sótano, genial para cubrirse del frío. Lo mejor la variedad del té!! Genial para estar horas y horas, con una sola tetera. $ 3.95 una súper tetera para tres tazas de muy buen tamaño. Simplemente lo vale.!!!!

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