Ozone Health & Fitness i Ennis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOzone Health & Fitness



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Quin Road, Ennis, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 65 684 2607
internet side: www.ozonegym.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.838105, Longitude: -8.973188

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jack Odonnell


    Great gym , friendly staff and an overall great place to go !

  • en

    Sinead Lyons


    Excellent service,very good trainers.good variety of programs.

  • en

    James McNamara


    I joined the group PT classes at Ozone about 6 weeks ago and I can't rate Ozone highly enough. In the classes, you perform exercises from your own personalised program which is constantly being changed around to ensure to you get a challenging workout. There's a great team spirit in the classes and the trainers are excellent. I've had sessions with Bryan and Janice so far and they really know their stuff and are very supportive towards you achieving your goals. The facilities are very good with a large well equipped gym for general use as well as a separate gym upstairs for the classes.

  • en

    Christine Meehan


    Great gym! With really friendly, supportive staff to help keep you motivated to achieve your goals

  • Paul Fahy

    Paul Fahy


    Excellent gym with knowledgeable and enthusiastic trainers. I had issues with my back previous to joining.The trainers created a programme around this to the point where I can now fully engage in all exercises and have no back trouble. I would recommend this gym to anyone looking to improve, regardless of fitness levels.

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