Pain Relief Centre i Kilcock

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPain Relief Centre



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Unit 3B, New Road, Kilcock, Co. Kildare, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 246 3797
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Latitude: 53.399334, Longitude: -6.667071

kommentar 5

  • en

    Deirdre Dowling


    My daughter had been having some problems with pain and having had various tests and investigations she was no nearer to getting her problems solved. I recommended that she visit David and through his experience and knowledge her pain had reduced significantly with only two sessions

  • Colm Delaney

    Colm Delaney


    Life-changing. David really cares about what he does. He is a highly trained and skilled individual. I would recommend the Pain Relief Centre without hesitation. Fantastic service at a great price.

  • AOE All Office Equipment

    AOE All Office Equipment


    Incredible service. I would highly recommend to anybody.

  • Jill O Meara

    Jill O Meara


    David has an amazing service, I have referred so many clients to him for all types of pain relief treatments, I have lost count but all say the same, 100% happy with the results. My personal experience was my then toddler had low muscle tone in his legs and didn't walk until 2.5 years and david worked on him and had him walking within 8 weeks of treatment. We are so grateful for having david to help us

  • en

    Darren O Connor


    Had an ongoing problem with my back over the last couple of years went to see David Murphy and after 2 visits my pain was gone seriously impressed with the guy will recommend him going forward.. Thanks David

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