Paramount Heating Services Ltd i Dublin 3

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandParamount Heating Services Ltd



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Clontarf, Dublin 3, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 255 5428
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.343728226554, Longitude: -6.1461524603156

kommentar 5

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    Niall Kerr


    The Team from Paramount did a complete re-plumbing of our house including installation of a new boiler and radiators etc in Raheny, Dublin 5 in June 2017. Their work was completed to an excellent standard and they left the house in pristine condition while on the job and when it was fully complete. We could not have been happier with the job that Paramount completed for us. A big thank you to Brendan, Steve and Liam. We could not recommend them highly enough...Avril and Niall

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    Martin Mannion


    This is Noel Mannion's post! Brendan, Stephen and Liam did an outstanding job on converting our heating system from oil to gas and replacing most of the radiators, in the run up to Christmas. They work to an extremely high standard and minimise the inconvenience for the householder. Superb operators and very decent people!

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    Kate Butler


    Paramount Heating Servoces are a very efficient and professional company. We received a friendly and efficient service. I would highly recommended Stephen and company

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    Sean Dooley


    Stephen called at short notice to replace a damaged timer clock which stopped boiler from working. He was so knowledgeable and so friendly in dealing with my urgent problem that I would recommend him to anybody. Thanks Stephen!

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    Shirley A Farrell


    Great job completed for me!! Heating sorted and works better than it ever did. Also, the cleanest workers I have ever encountered. Nothing left for me to clean... I was amazed considering what they had to do. Very highly recommended!!

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