Parsons Garage (Toyota) i Tuam

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IrlandParsons Garage (Toyota)



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Milltown Road, Tuam, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 93 24762
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.5317497, Longitude: -8.8486306

kommentar 5

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    Denise Armstrong


    Fantastic group of people. Amazing customer service.

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    Eileen Carroll


    Very good and very helpful staff

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    Liam Murphy


    These folks here are brilliant. I bought a used car from them and I really felt they were going out of their way to sell me a car in top condition. I'm one of those bloody Dubs and I felt that I was treated like a local. I showed up 15min before closing in the middle of the January rush and Francis was still very welcoming. Between the week of test drive and collection day, they even fixed things in the car that I didn't spot. I can't forget Helen, she was brilliant I can't say enough about how helpful she was too. My last experience with a different Toyota garage in another part of the country was nowhere near as good. The last thing they said as we drove out the door was "safe home to Dublin and if there is any problems at all to come back up." They were so friendly that they were only short of saying "Text us when you get home safely".

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    Tony Tab


    You're made to 'feel at home', first to last, and that you're as welcome as if you just called in for a chat, which indeed many do, even when they're inundated with enquries including a busy 'phone. I guess it's one of the advantages of using local town main dealer.. No sales pressure whatsoever, just browse and ask. Here the number of repeat customers obviously speaks for itself. An awesome number of like-new used cars too. Would advise any prospective buyers to view in person along with checking the website. The parts man especially is an encyclopedia of Toyota parts info. His vast experience says something about Parsons Garage as a family business rather than an impersonal provincial branch.

  • Ciaran Hurst

    Ciaran Hurst


    Very helpful place and very friendly staff. They put number plates on my car in minutes and I didn't have an appointment. From strolling around their garage they would seem to have a substantial pool of second hand cars as well.

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