Pavilion Theatre i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPavilion Theatre



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Marine Road, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 231 2929
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Latitude: 53.2940124, Longitude: -6.1337128

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vincent Horkan


    Went to see Jason Byrne there great night very nice place.

  • en

    Peig Dunne


    Absolutely fantastic venue. Really well laid out. Super friendly staff and volunteers. And always put on the best of performances. My very favourite venue.

  • Eliza Tomczyk

    Eliza Tomczyk


    I would like to thank the super nice, understanding and polite man from the ticket office, unfortunately I didn't ask his name. But because of him my daughters was able to see the nutcracker ballet. Thank you!!!

  • en

    Nataliya Hokera


    Nice theater, in a great location of a sea coast. Easy to have a day out walking, having your dinner in one of the fine places around and have a perfect finale of the day at the theatre.

  • Bernard Mahon

    Bernard Mahon


    Great litlle music venue in community theatre. Ideal for small intimate gigs. Very friendly bar and ticket office staff. Reasonable priced drinks at small bar. A Wetherspoons pub is next door for those who like that sort of thing.

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