Pearse Road Guesthouse i Letterkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPearse Road Guesthouse


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Pearse Road, F92 K380, Letterkenny, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 74 912 3002
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Latitude: 54.9488383, Longitude: -7.735

kommentar 5

  • es

    Miguel Lopez Bravo


    Nos dieron dos habitaciones con camas de matrimonio y amplias. El desayuno completo tanto el irlandés como el europeo. Amplio parking. Al lado hay un Lindl, MCdonalds , Dominos Pizza.

  • Greg Hughes

    Greg Hughes


    Always a pleasant stay

  • en

    Liz Sussan


    Staff was unfriendly from the beginning and we didn't feel welcome at all. Ruined our stay. Contrary to website and google/maps description, there are no kitchen facilities available. The website and google description said "kitchen facilities available". We were given a room across from the kitchen. Kitchen doors were wide open and that along with their own description on their website, we were led to believe that we could use the kitchen. I was scolded by the host and told that the kitchen was not for me to use, that the online description of a kitchen referred only to making coffee and tea. That makes no sense! I told her I was sorry. My entire stay I was nothing but friendly but it was not reciprocated. This was a tough review to write because I really dislike doing that, but they really spoiled our trip to Letterkenny and I would also hate to have anyone else misled about the facilities.




    Proprietari gentili e premurosi. Un buon posto per fernarsi

  • en

    Marinus J


    Plenty of parking space, clean rooms, good beds.

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