Peruke & Periwig i Dublin 2

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IrlandPeruke & Periwig



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31, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 672 7190
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3400991, Longitude: -6.2587752

kommentar 5

  • Damian Bramlett

    Damian Bramlett


    I came here for dinner and had a fantastic experience. The staff were very friendly and talkative, and steered me in the right direction on food and drink. I highly suggest trying the In the Navy cocktail; super smooth and well balanced. The menu is a bit pricey, but well worth it...the food was excellent!

  • en

    H Tucker


    Just landed in Ireland, put our luggage down in the hotel and headed to a pub. Mind you it was happy hour for us. We found Peruke & Periwig. It was a tiny little bar...super cozy. The bartender was nice and the beer was cold. But it is super tiny so not much room. Fortunately, we grabbed a table before it got busy. If you are staying at the Shelbourne, try it out because it is super close.

  • en



    Aidan makes a wonderful Latte and converted me to Espresso Martinis! Edit: It's been 10 months now, and Aidan still makes a wonderful Latte Edit edit: It's been 2 months since the original edit. Aidan does not make Lattes here any more, but he makes them at 37 Dawson Street now.

  • Eraldo Z

    Eraldo Z


    I like the decoration of the place as you can move from the ground floor to the first we’re is little bit more quite and more romantic as well.. I tried their stake and it was really good as their espresso Martin... definitely I would go back there!!!!!

  • Patrick Marjolet

    Patrick Marjolet


    I have mixed feelings about this place. The cocktails are amazing, pricey but worth every penny. It's beautifully decorated also and the ambiance is great. Unfortunately on a couple of occasions I've seen attitude issues from a couple of staff members (men) in the lounge area (service upstairs was always impeccable): policing and bossing around waiting customers for stupid reasons instead of helping bar staff, wandering about with hands in their pockets and interrupting customer conversations without apoligizing. I might come back once more, but this needs to be addressed. UPDATE: came back for my birthday and above issue is resolved. Excellent bartender! Back to 5 stars.

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