PetCo i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Long Mile Road, Dublin 12, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 429 9938
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Latitude: 53.3250639, Longitude: -6.3363295

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Reel


    Great help and info from stephen in petco...100% will be back again again👍👍👍👍👍

  • en



    Good place to visit, if you like pets. Large shop with good selection of pet food and supplies,fish and aquarium plants,and also rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters and exotic birds. I would like if they had more African cichlid fish, they used to have bigger selection, and they are really beautiful and attractive fish to keep. Also they keep terrariums and aquarium tanks and good selection of aquaristic equipment.

  • Ken Milofsky

    Ken Milofsky


    Extremely helpful staff here , they ordered a special part I needed for a fish tank and phoned me when it arrived . Great place to shop for pet accessories

  • Liam Weldon

    Liam Weldon


    Friendly helpful staff with a large selection of products and healthy food types for dogs and other animals there's an on site groomers with a very patient groomer and she's absolutely brilliant with the dogs and you don't need am appointment for nail trimming while petco can look expensive it's anything but they are extremely well priced considering they offer high quality food and equipment

  • Lubos Kocan

    Lubos Kocan


    Nice big store. Lot's of fishes not too many reptiles at a time. Dog dresser inside..

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