Physiotherapy Cork (MyPhysio) i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPhysiotherapy Cork (MyPhysio)



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Sanovitae Health and Fitness Club, Clarion Hotel, Lapps Quay, Centre, Cork, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 83 478 1639
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Latitude: 51.898621, Longitude: -8.465343

kommentar 1

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    Christopher Higgins


    I has in a car accident a few years back, and was in constant pain in my lower back and neck, I was on strong pain killers and other stuff for years and had tried a few physiotherapy clinics in East Cork and to be honest they seemed to me not to understand what was wrong with me as one told me i defiantly didn't have nerve problems and after a scan my lower disc in the L4/L5 was bust and pushing on my nerves and causing me a lot of pain and suffering! I had surgery and had the disc removed and am in recovery and now need a good physiotherapy and have found John in Myphysio and to date have done about 6 sessions and am happy to say that John knows what he is at and understands exactly what to do! i am feeling great after the session and after he has giving me videos that i can watch on my phone with a programme of physiotherapy to do on a daily bases and its great, John is a friendly and nice person and that helps so much and offers a great service, Parking, Swiming pool, Gym, This is my first review as i do not do them but for this business its a must. Thanks John.

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