POG i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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33, Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 878 3255
internet side: www.ifancyapog.ie
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Latitude: 53.3475062, Longitude: -6.2599872

kommentar 5

  • Jessica Kolk

    Jessica Kolk


    POG is a delicious place to have your breakfast or brunch. They follow the healthy philosophy and they have a balcony full of delicious desserts/cakes/biscuits with good ingredients to your " cheating' days. I must agree that the portions are small and the price is high, though. The coffee is good, but my favorites here are food, specially the protein pancakes (with toppings you can choose) and the chocolate banana bread. They are vegan/vegetarian friendly, I always get my capppuccinos without cow's milk. The place is small, so it is better to avoid peak time, because is gonna be crowded. The staff is nice and I aways had a good service here.

  • Gerardo Rodríguez Ortega

    Gerardo Rodríguez Ortega


    The reviews say the portions are small but the Post Workout salad was big enough and very tasty (I'll ask them to not add raw onion though, I hate raw onion...🙃). The Keylime Protein Pie Smoothie was really tasty too. Nice atmosphere and very friendly staff.

  • en

    Amanda Schurtz


    Good but small portions and expensive for what it is. The dishes are good, but far from what they advertise on their Instagram page. When I got the pancakes in front of my eyes I was extremely disappointed. I came for that, and I got 4 mini crepes.... At least it was good, their coffee & hot drinks were tasty and their homemade juices as well. I care about tasty food which is why I'm giving a 4 but they could work on making real pancakes on stop the fake advertising. The disposition of the place is also an issue as it is quite small so you're lucky if you can sit. They even have notes on the wall that you can only stay for 40min...

  • Joan Farjo

    Joan Farjo


    Very nice place for breakfast/brunch. Super healthy!! Coffee is quite good, but the portions are a bit small compared to the price we are paying. The place is a bit small, so make sure you avoid peak time.

  • Hannah C

    Hannah C


    Great selection for vegan, vegetarian options. They also had some options with meat as well. Only downside was it was a bit over priced. I had green eggs which was nice but cost 10 euro. Staff were extremely nice though and gave us a shake bottle freebie!

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