Port lotniczy Waterford i County Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPort lotniczy Waterford


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Killowen, Co. Waterford, X91 E2WP, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 846 600
internet side: www.waterfordairport.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.1885616, Longitude: -7.0809121

kommentar 5

  • en

    R McMullen


    It's too bad this otherwise nice airport had to go and have 'check in' fees. That really turned people off. Imagine if a restaurant had an 'ordering fee' or a hotel had a 'checking in' fee? Enough with nuisance fees!

  • Joerg Steinhaeuser

    Joerg Steinhaeuser


    Nice and quiet airport. Not crowded. More connections needed.

  • en



    Without this airport I would not be able to fly home from work as often and easily as I have done in the past. Pity that the vlm airlines have pulled out from the airport. Yet another example of Waterford being slowly cut off from the rest of Ireland in terms of public services.

  • Louis_sullivan 4

    Louis_sullivan 4


    Nice but need to get more airliners

  • Jack Colbert

    Jack Colbert


    I love this place beacause it is my local airport and i hav two uncles who work their

nærmeste Lufthavn

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