Portmarnock Hotel And Golf Links i Portmarnock

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IrlandPortmarnock Hotel And Golf Links


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Strand Road, D13 V2X7, Portmarnock, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 846 0611
internet side: www.portmarnock.com
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Latitude: 53.4296011, Longitude: -6.126033

kommentar 5

  • Tony Byrne

    Tony Byrne


    Beautiful hotel in an equally beautiful location. View across the golf course to the see and city are stunning especially at dusk. Most areas throughout have been revamped. The Jameson bar is fantastic.

  • Muireann Toibin

    Muireann Toibin


    Visited with elderly. Good few steps which were a challenge Staff were very creative and helpful to overcome obstacles. Quiet dining area, which was what I had hoped for but nicely ambient. Lovely food and excellent value. Everybody all ages enjoyed.

  • en

    Angela Reynolds


    I had afternoon tea here on Sunday. It was beautifully presented and all of the food was delicious. My sister booked it and was told that it would be €25 per person. However, when we were shown to our table we were told that it was actually €30 per person, despite the menu still having €25 clearly printed on it. The piano background music was lovely. I recommend Portmarnock for afternoon tea. The staff were very friendly and helpful. The atmosphere was quiet and relaxing. My only issue was with the pricing.

  • S O'Brien

    S O'Brien


    A beautiful, posh hotel. Comfortable rooms with modern decor. Our room had the most wonderful seaview. Speaking of Seaview; which is the name of one of their restaurants, the food was outstanding. The staff at Portmarnock is top notch. I was highly impressed with their attentiveness and willingness to assist with our needs.

  • en

    Rachel Merrick


    From start to finish this place was 5*. From the staff to our room to even the food! We chose to dine in our room and the room service was excellent! Breakfast was so nice and we had such an excellent choice. We didn't have children with us but observed many children interacting with staff and they were very friendly and accommodating! We will definitely stay here with our own children because of that.

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