Primacare / Woodstown Medical Centre i Dublin 16

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPrimacare / Woodstown Medical Centre



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9, Woodstown Village Shopping Centre, Ballycullen, Dublin 16, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 463 0962
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Latitude: 53.2757489, Longitude: -6.3301433

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hazel Reilly


    Doctors are very friendly and caring, which is wonderful. It's very convenient and has a lot of services, such as blood tests, in the clinic

  • en

    Dziugas Belevicius


    Extremely disappointed with the reception service every time I ring for an appointment ! Rang back for blood test results 3 times until I got a call back by a receptionist who I guess is not in the position to tell me results who was not willing to explain any questions that I had ! Definitely changing this GP

  • Rhianne Forde

    Rhianne Forde


    Not nice customer service at all over the phone when enquiring, Bad experiences with certain doctors too, (Dr sunita & Mohammad ) , only go if desperate

  • en

    Nicole Browne


    I have been attending Dr. Sunita for fourteen years now, and have always found her to be exceptionally helpful and compassionate. The receptionists are kind and professional, and there has never been any difficulty in getting an appointment in this centre.

  • Eileen Halpin

    Eileen Halpin


    Myself and my family have been with Dr Sunita for at least 5 years now. I have always found her pleasant enough until last friday where I had an awful experience. My 11 year old daughter had been suffering with a severe headache and vomiting since Wed and I was at my wits end as she could not hold down any fluid or pain relief. I rang Primacare at 8am on Fri morning to try and get an appointment with Dr Sunita however there were none and surgery closes early that day. The girl suggested calling before surgery started due to the cicumstances and so I took my daughter out of bed and arrived at quarter to 9. Dr Sunita was alone in the surgery and was not best pleased when I called. She told me they had no appointments. I explained my circumstances and worry but she did not even make eye contact with my daughter who was in a lot of pain. She eventually told the receptionist we could come back when surgery finished at 11.20!!. We did that however her attitude was very much put out. She did not even examine my daughter but took her tempreture, asked a few questions (not in a kindly manner either) and sent us off with a perscription for motillium. I was confused and asked what if my daughter couldn't hold down the motillium but was sent on my way. My daughter ended up in A&E that night and has only been discharged from hospital today. I will never darken Dr Sunita's door again and I would advice people never to turn to her in an emergency because if you have no appointment you will be treated disgracefully.

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