Raheny i Dublin 5

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Station Road, D05 T9K8, Dublin 5, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.3814045, Longitude: -6.1759732

kommentar 5

  • Chris O

    Chris O


    Basic train station mainly for the dart/short hop rail system. Quite small, there are a few seating spots and not much of shelter. Very handy in terms of location. A staff isn't always present especially very early or very late. Good thing is that it's wheelchair friendly. No toilets available.

  • Trains In Dublin

    Trains In Dublin


    Nice station in Raheny. With accessibility ramps,LED displays,shelters,ticket machines,ticket office.A bit old though could do with a bit of a clean but still a good station. The station has a good train service of a train to Bray/Greystones every 20 minutes and a train to Malahide or Howth every 40 minutes on a Sunday. Every 15 minutes on a Saturday or off peak. Every 10 minutes on average during Mon-Fri Rush hour. The station opened in 1847 as part of the D&DR line from Dublin Connolly to Drogheda. The station was built close to the village centre unlike other villages across the country. The station was the only original station between Howth Junction and Connolly to remain open in the same spot. The original station building closed down in preperation for the new building as part of the DART electricifation works and new trains new facilities were added to the station in 1984. The existing facilities were upgraded and accessibility ramps and lifts new station platforms and extension of the platforms happened in 2004 as part of the revitalisation work iarnrod eireann were doing at time from then on the station did not change much.

  • en

    Chmk677 Kelly


    Very helpful to get to Dublin city centre

  • en

    niall leavy


    very ugly there are shrubs growing out of the footbridge also the station building looks like a shed.

  • Mark Leavy

    Mark Leavy


    1980s station building with original station out of use with regular DART service to city Greystones Malahide and Howth and information screens and ticket office regularly manned by friendly locals it's a great station

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